Just a short and sweet post for a worthy cause - saving the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA).
You may have heard that the Canadian government is planning to shut down the ELA, a one-of-a-kind research facility from where >1,000 freshwater studies have originated (some highlighted here) over the past 40+ years. This would be a seriously short-sighted move given the highly practical work conducted here (e.g., the impacts of acid rain, nutrient inputs, climate change, and toxic chemicals on ecosystems, to name a few...which paves the way for improved environmental policies).
Since a picture's worth 1000 words, here's an example of the important research conducted at the ELA:
Freshwater is one of this country's most precious resources, so we should be finding ways to protect what we've got, NOT turning a blind eye (as seems to be the trend these days, even in the oceans)!
Water = life.
Healthy lakes = healthy humans.
Without any further ado, I'll refer you to this newly-launched website, which sums up why the ELA is important, compiles links to some recent media coverage on the ELA closure, and suggests ways on how to make your voice heard.
Please also take a minute to sign the online petition (anyone can sign): http://www.thepetitionsite.com/355/851/152/save-the-experimental-lakes-area/
(Note to Canadians that
this online petition won't go to parliament)
The petition going to Parliament is available for download/printing here (you must be a Canadian resident, but there's no age restriction):
Please help spread the word!
Please help spread the word!